My current workplace! The Hive is a public-access, completely free makerspace located at the Cambridge Public Library. In my current roll, I provide trainings and classes on 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, sewing, and general design and fabrication. Provide technical support to patrons and prepare and deliver educational programs to patrons.
From January 2023 to April 2024 I ran a youth makerspace at the Blue Hill Boys and Girls Club. In this roll, I developed daily afterschool programming to encourage interest in art, technology, and engineering. I taught daily afterschool and summer programs in 3D print, Scratch programming, music, clothing design, robotics, game design, and entrepreneurship to 1st-10th grade students in a high volume program seeing around 400 students a day.
In addition to this I managed and stocked technology space, while guiding it a through a complete room redesign. Oversaw $5,000 starting budget and secured $1,200 additional grant funding.
This was a managerial role where I supervised and trained adult and teen staff, including summer staff and a year-round assistant. I also established partnerships with organizations like MIT Media Lab, Girls Who Code, Girls on the Run, and Tufts Center for Engineering Education.
Redesigned computing and electrical component system for a Mitsubishi Electric RV-7FRL arm-based industrial-grade robotic assembly line system to be implemented at a product level. Developed floor plans for the assembly line from drawing the initial layout to installing robotic cells on the factory floor.
NSF REU in Robotics (RISS) at Carnegie Mellon, with Dr. Reid Simmons. Created simulation models of facial expressions and emotions for the Quori robot in ROS and Gazebo and developed a set of mobile facial features that can be mapped and animated through JSON.
I built website and documentation platform for CEEO Innovations website on github pages using Javascript, JQuery, HTML/CSS, Jekyll, markdown, and git. The goal of this platform was to make it easy for non-coding users to create website pages using a modified version of Markdown that I programmed to allow sections within a page to have modulated styles.
During my sophomore to senior year of college I worked with the Assistive Agent Behavior and Learning Lab and Dr. Elaine Short to design algorithms for human-robot interaction. In my independent work I researched scaffolded shared autonomy in educational robotics and robot motion planning, I helped write a paer on Environment Guided Interactive Reinforcement Learning published in AAMAS 2022.
I also served as teaching assistant to a grad-level Human-Robot Interaction class of 36 taught by Dr. Elaine Short, held office hours, and graded assignments.
In this analog clock with two time indicators. The upper, servo-driven, indicator shows the minute, while the lower, stepper-driven, indicator shows the hour. We use a gearbox so that the stepper it can move a belt attached to the indicator. In our code, we translate the time value of the “datetime” function into “steps” to increment the motors.
I worked to develop and teach STEM curriculum to local elementary school students to encourage interest in engineering with the STOMP (Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program) program out of the Tufts Center for Engineering Education.
In 2017, I interned with the Immersive Experiences Lab (IXL) to study the applications of 3D printing and customization in clothing. Over the summer, I developed prototype customizable objects and conducted a qualitative study on user reactions. I also worked independently on a project exploring the idea of comfort/nonverbal communication through wearable technology.