I work with the art collective Tooth and Pan to sell screenprints and teach screenprinting.
Boston Fit Check
Getting out, shaking hands, and kissing babies! Boston Fit Check is a photojournalism project where I interview people about their outfits with my friends Max and Conor. Also, I wear a hotdog suit! Sounds too good to believe? Check our instagram below!
Survey Website
Like many an engineering major, I keep excel spreadsheets and sometimes conduct public surveys on various topics. I host many of these on a google sites website.
Big List of Questions
My big list of questions to ask people. Peruse away!
One word to describe our relationship
How does your brain work? What does your thinking process look like?
Milk? Yes no?
What’s the best mistake you’ve ever made
Who is your comfort friend and why?
Favorite public transportation
What is your Process for peeling and orange
How do you eat your Oreos?
Have you learned or tried anything new recently?
What is love to you? Do you associtae it with a particular color or sensory experience?
fav president
Fav firework
What color is math?
How many personalities do you have?
What is something you are super proud of?
Love or be loved?
If you could make a full length opera what would it be about?
What is your favorite book?
Do you see yourself as a single self moving through time and have a narrative
What are you excited about right now?
What question do you most regret asking someone ?
What question changed your reality most?
If you could see a number above everyone’s head that indicated one thing about them what would you want the number to represent?
What would you name your boat if you had one?
What minorly convenient superpower would you want?
What song would you want to die to?
Do you have a life motto?
Childhood obsession ?
What’s your goblin name?
Get rid of one: sex drugs rock n roll
Milk or melk?
Taylor swift ? thoughts?
Favorite video game?
Favorite movie?
What big media streaming company would you get rid of if you could?
What is your horse name?
What percentage of time would you want to be present for your own birth?
What type of social situation makes you feel the most awkward?
What was the best water you ever drank?
When was the last time you felt completely yourself?
What would your sleep schedule be like if left to your own devices?
Do you use tiktok? What does your FYP look like?
What would you hate for everyone to know about you?
What’s a feeling you would do anything to feel again?
Would you rather have your heart broken or break someone else’s heart?
Do you think everything happens for a reason?
If there was a billboard you could put a paragraph on that every human would see what would it say?
What is your worst quality and how would changing it impact your life
Favorite chore?
What does love mean to you?
Who in your life knows you best?
When did you feel most yourself?
Which country would you want aliens to land on to portray earth in the best way?
What movie montage type would you want to be in?
Would you rather be forced to eat only spicy food or only incredibly bland food?
Who would you want to hide a body with you assuming 1 person equal time?
Would you rather be fantastic at riding horses or amazing at driving dirt bikes?
Would you rather never be able to wear pants or never be able to wear shorts?
Would you rather have a horrible short-term memory or a horrible long-term memory?
If you could buy a container bowl that infinitely gets refilled how much would you pay
If you could have infinite of one food what
Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?
How did you meet your best friend?
What’s your favorite web browser?
What is your relationship with relationship?
How do you perceive time?
How much of Starships by Niki Minaj can you sing right now?
How are you different from your best friend?
What is the weirdest scar you have? How did you get it?
What’s the #edgiest thing you’ve ever done?
If everyone you’ve ever slept with appeared in one room together, how long would it take them to figure out why they’re there?
Phone calls or texting?
If you had to pick one artist?
Movie moment that made you most uncomfortable?
If you had to have sex with a non-human animal,,, what animal? Hi
When do you feel most out of place?
What would you do in the zombie apocalypse?
What cartoon world would you want to live in for a week?
If you could only eat the same breakfast, the same lunch (different than breakfast), and the same dinner (different than lunch) every day, what th K ree meals would you choose?
If you could control your dreams, what would you dream about?
What movie genre is your life?
Thoughts on the “metaverse”?
Favorite artist (in either sense)?
Have you ever been in love?
If your genital fluid could taste/smell like anything? what?
When was the last time you felt lucky to be you?
What happens when we die?
Thoughts on cancel culture?
Last time you cried?
Fav Pokemon?
If You Owned A Bar, What Would It Look Like?
If you could hear what someone is thinking for a day, who would you choose, and why?
If You Could Relive The Last Year, Would You Change Any Decisions You Made? If You Would, Which Ones?
What does friendship mean to you?
If you could do any job without worrying about money what would it be?
What is a minor inconvenience in your life?
Would you want your kids to have a childhood similar to yours?
How does kissing someone make you feel?
How does holding someone’s hand make you feel?
Do your friends know when you’re sad?
What would you do if you had guaranteed success in a field?
what’s the weirdest thing in your notes app
Weirdest app on your phone
How would you dress if what people thought/money wasn’t an issue
If you could be an inanimate object for a day, what?
How many almonds is the perfect amount?
What is your personal hell?
Where would you restart your life?
Best sex you’ve had (if any)?
What is a minor inconvenience in your life?
Do you believe in soulmates? Twin flames?
What is your zodiac sign?
Fuck, Marry, Kill: Smokey the bear, Charmin bear parents, yogi bear (assuming all legal and of age)
Favorite candy?
What is your ick/arbitrary red flag?
Fav spongebob character
What do you mean when you say “ i love you” to someone? How often do you say it?
What is your ideal night?
What does sex mean to you?
If you were to give someone a “kakapoo” what would that mean?
Have you been in love? Do you think you could experience that same type of love again?
Do you think there is a core part of you that has been constant through life?
Do people change?
What fictional character would you want to go fishing with?
How do you describe top student in major in school (if you went to school)?
What is one thing your major changed your mind about?
What superpower would you want?
When was the last time someone took care of you?
How many people do you love?
What is one trait of your closest parent that you see in yourself?
What’s something that surprised you recently?
If you could design a fruit what would it be?
What do you think heaven is like?
How many lives have you lived (within this one or in general)?
What is your favorite kind of smoothie?
Do you have any recurring dreams?
If your father was a milkshake, what flavor would he be?
What is your favorite hat?
What would you do if you were stuck in a time loop?