While useful, a leg with pockets is a funny and out-of-the-box idea! With this is mind, we were excited to see what designs we would be able to develop if we started brainstorming with some creative "anything goes" thinking. To create space for a range of designs, we split our brainstorming session into three sets: Set A, Set B, and Set C. We used 15-minute design sprints and affinity mapping to generate a spectrum of smart, silly, and "smart and silly" ideas for our Set A: peristaltic pumps, disco legs, toothpaste tubes to squirt out water, etc. We then split these ideas into relevant categories using affinity mapping.
For our "Set B" of design, each group member generated 2-3 designs with more thought and enegy put into them. We reflected on these designs as a group and solicited feedback from our peers, instructors, and machine shop fabcriation experts in Bray Labs.
For "Set C" of our design, we each created a CAD model of one proposed solution. I proposed a hinged storage component within the leg with a suppotive exoskeleton outside the leg and two access compartments. Niki proposed a soft bag and straw mechanism for a leg focused on storing water. For a similar water storage leg, David proposed a peristaltic pump mechanism with a soft water bottle held in suspension. Megan focused on electronic componenets and proposed an unlocking mechanism with a door based on the bend of David's Knee.
We decided to use a Carbon Fiber exoskeleton to create the main body of our leg. This design choice was based on the common use of carbon fiber within the prosthetics field as well as on our need for a strong leg exterior since "Leg Locker" does not have internal support tubing common amoung many lower-limb prosthetics. To creat our exeskelton, our team used a positive lay-up over a 3D print of the leg. Although we initially experimented with a range of negative layup techniques, we were not able to produce as high quality of a product with a plaster based mold as we were able to with vaccum sealing the positive model. Our final layups were composed of 6 layers pf Kevler Carbon Fiber due to its increased mallubility relative to pure Carbon Fiber. We coated each sheet in an epoxy solution and then vaccum sealed the full leg to set the mold.
While we initially tried to layup our door component, we found that Carbon fiber layups on the door would not secure well to the material and made it difficult for us to align the door with the body of the leg. Given that our door would be supporting minimal weight and that a carbon fiber door would solve more of an aesthetic purpose than a practical one, we opted to instead, shell the door with aluminum. I cut and bent aluminum to form a shell around the door and then secured this into the 3D printed model. A major struggle point for us regarding the door was figuring out how to have a close alignment of the door with the body of the leg since the carbon fiber layup made it difficult for users to have clean edges. Additionally, I struggled to place our hinge components in a way that would both allow a good swing radius for the door and while simultaneously securing the door close enough to the body for a tight and secure fit since I had CADed the door and leg with a relatively low tolerance between the two. In the end, I opted for a friction hinge to allow for easy static movement of the door once the piston had detached from a notch at the top of the door.
In the "tale as old as time" of manufacturing, one of the most difficult parts of our build process was getting our system to fit together. Our team had several modular parts that needed to fit into one leg: our Carbon Fiber exoskeleton, the Össur mechanical knee, the electronics, our door, and the locking mechanism. To integrate our knee, David welded a plate onto a metal shaft compatible with a universal pyramid adapter. Meanwhile, I worked on the compatibility between the leg and the door. We dremeled and chiseled the leg to allow a better match up with the door and I outlined the door in aluminum to fill in some of the gaps where the two met. For the electronics, I designed a solenoid mounting system that would let the solenoid slide into a holding point in the door. I also designed a static hinge mechanism to attach the door to the main body of the leg.
My team for senior design was an absolute joy to work with, so “tolerance” probably seems like a terse word to use when describing what I’ve learned from them. However, I do mean “tolerance” in the best way possible. While far more than “tolerable” to work with, I think part of the reason we worked well together is because of our willingness to show tolerance and patience with each other. Throughout this design process, everyone on our team had moments where they were sick, tired, stressed, or couldn’t bring their best self on a particular day. Having tolerance and understanding for each other during these times offered a lot more room to fail and I think let us work harder in some ways. Similarly, when there were differences in communication style or expectations within our team, we communicated that and took time to work out those differences. Having tolerance and patience for each other throughout this design process let us help one another and work through issues as a team.
Ah, the difficulties of integration! When building the leg locker, our team focused on making really good individual components: our carbon fiber layup of the leg, the electronics system, and our door component. However, we put less time and energy into the points of integration between these systems and these eventually ended up being the weakest point in our system: the fit between the door and the body, the attachment of the electronics to the leg, the material strength of our hinge, and the weld attaching our aluminum plate to the knee. We put integrating these parts off until the end and spent the least energy making sure they were strong and durable. When we assembled our leg, these parts were the weakest. This was made abundantly clear after our demo when David jumped on the leg and it failed along these points.
Throughout building Leg Locker, I had the chance to learn new hard skills and build on abilities I have picked up on in the past. Carbon Fiber Polymer Layup and Composite manufacturing are both new areas for me. I felt grateful for the chance to learn about both during this process. It was similarly exciting and rewarding to verify the strength of our layup on the Instron machine (it can hold a 2000lb+ load!). This project also let me practice some of my existing skills including SolidWorks, SolidWorks simulation, 3D printing, and basic fabrication.
On the “soft skill” side, I think I learned a lot by figuring out the right way to tell a story about Leg Locker. In some ways, this project followed the specialized design model common in assistive technology and is made with David’s needs and preferences at the center. However, there are also a lot of exciting conceptual elements behind an idea like Leg Locker, and the concept of “prosthetics with enhanced functionality” has a lot of application outside of David’s particular needs. Similarly, since this is a student project, our learning and process are in many ways more important than our end product. Combining these elements into one story and presenting that story to others has been an interesting and educational process.